Too much

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If I were to choose a phrase for the past week, it’d be “too much.”

There’s been too much:







Computer time.

I could keep going, but you get the idea. All this “too much-ness” has left me in kind of a funk for a few days, but there are a few simple ways for me, and you, if you’re in a funk too, to break out of it.

1. Move. I don’t mean pick up and move somewhere else, although that might work, too. I mean just get up and get in motion.

2. Act energetic. This is the old “fake it ’til you make it” strategy, and oddly enough, it works. Energy begets energy. Act like you have some and you will have some. Try it. I’m going to.

3. Change your perspective. Sit somewhere you don’t normally sit. Get out of the house or your office or wherever you’ve been spending the majority of your time lately and go somewhere different.  Take a walk or a drive someplace new.

4. Do something for someone else. Plug someone else’s parking meter–only don’t let the meter fiend catch you. Apparently it’s not exactly legal around here. Hold open a door for someone else. Buy a cup of coffee for the person in line behind you. Pay someone’s fine at the library.

5. Choose to eat what’s good for you, and just until you’re almost full. I learned a while back that overeating diminishes the pleasure of eating, though I seem to keep forgetting it. I also keep forgetting that the foods that leave me feeling best are the least processed. This morning, though, I chose to have a couple of clementines with my breakfast and their sweet juiciness was a great way to start my day. As a bonus, that wonderful citrus scent still lingers.

I’m making it a good day, and one where there’s only too much of the good stuff. Happy Sunday to you!




About Kymm

I'm a reader and writer and knitter, a sister, daughter, and friend. This blog is my letter, of love and hate, frustration and joy, rants and praises, to a great big world. You can read it if you want to.

2 responses »

  1. Hopefully our winter is over and done with — too much snow, ice coating trees, falling trees, wind, and power outages. I did much of what you suggested but only to keep warm. Had no transportation out nor a clear road to travel anyway. Power finally on so can now get a hot shower and flush toilets. Great list!

    • Flush toilets are underrated until you can’t use them. Glad you survived your winter adventure! We could still have some nasty weather here for the next few weeks and then it’s tornado season! Yay!


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